Guest blogger; Jaydn Kempe with .....

Alice's sun and the travellers

The Sun was staring with his beady little eyes.
the company of kin clutches close. Gaps and gorges seaming hyper enormous and the Sand blows memories through our hair.

We laugh and sing until that staring sun dims.
Until the bird chokes 
we chew lemons and feel drunk.
On Life and all its chunks.

 The sweat sap of Golden lines.
In the rocks that towered though time.
Guided by a moral leader.
A grey nomad with all his silly features.
The people I love.
The country I sleep.


It felt more real in the blistering heat.
Of that yellow eyed sun.
F**ker get gone.
I'll hide in the lake of the serpent.
Or battle you where the cosmic dust meets the red earth.
I'll take you up the mountain where the pools skip down the crevasse.
F**k you and your burning eyes

You'll find me in the cavities of Alice.
Where Gaps are plenty.
And the Rivers flow dirty.
With the golden haired girl and her smile of pearls.
With the semi lame boofhead with his legs of strength.
Whom I love.
Whom I'll miss.

And for such a lovely moment.
A week of adventure.
We meet another time travellers.
The sun seems dimmer and I feel brighter with your love.
Jaydn Kempe November, 2016

Grey Bits
We had the absolute pleasure to have my oldest and talented son Jaydn visiting us in Alice Springs. Together we travelled up and down the West and East MacDonnell Ranges, swam in gorges and listened to atmospheric music in the car. We skimmed through the museums, hung out in all the cool cafes of Alice and caught up with each other.

Jaydn has a full-on life studying mathematics, while holding down a part-time job, and as you can tell by the above lyrics, has become an accomplished song writer for his band.

While Jaydn was on the big silver bird in the sky on his way back to Perth, he wrote the above poem. Both Jules and I were torn to pieces after reading his powerful words.

Thanks Jay - we are going to miss you.

Jaydn wearing Julies hat at Ellery Creek

The photos of this blog were added and taken by this silly but SEMI-grey nomad.
Do you want to become a guest blogger, write your own story and publish on my blog? I would love to hear from you. Email me at


Unknown said...

Love your beautiful poem Jaydn, bought a tear to my eye.

Unknown said...

Just awesome once again Mars. Jaydn has talent apart from mathematics!
You continue to inspire. xx

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