Walkies, please?

Walking is my favourite thing to do in the whole, wide world. I get very excited when it is time to get going. I sprint around, in and out of the door, jump on a chair and stand on my hind legs. This is when I wave my front paws in the air calling out -

“Hello!! I am here! I am reeeaaaady!!

Throughout my doggy years it was always mum and dad who took me for walks. Lately though my beautiful mum has been slowing down a bit and my dad goes off to work with some strange creatures with large humps and massive flat feet. Humans call them camels. "Boy!!! chasing them would be fun."

One day mum and I met a tall man with a bit of a limp. He completely ignored me at first, but after some of my best signature moves, like wagging my tail and looking up at him with my dark brown eyes, while my head perfectly tilted, he slowly came around. I got him covered!

For starters, I showed Mr Limpy around the caravan park a few times and visited me mate Wilson, but soon lead him to the most exciting place of all. Go on Mr Limpy say it, say it .......
The clay-pans!!!
The clay-pans are a large, wild piece of Australian bush surrounded by massive hills and it is just across the road from where I live. It is a doggy paridise I tell you. Imagine a place you can walk as far as a dog wants to go. The grass is long and after the rains it creates the most amazing swimming facilities. I run through the muddy, brown water until my legs cannot touch the ground any longer and only a strong swim will get me out.
The rain falling at the clay pans

Over and over I have shown the tall fellah how to swim through these mud flats and I cannot for the life of me understand why he hasn’t joined me. It is perfect and perfect for a good solid shake after. Why he always laughs and proceeds to wipe his legs is a mystery to me.

Strange human behaviour.


At the clay-pans, I release my inner lynx into the wild. I sniff out a big lizard or a grasshopper by jamming my nose into the grass so hard it makes me sneeze. When any of those yummy critters flee, watch out,  I am ready to pounce.
Here lizzy, lizzy

I tell you, I don’t like those big, smelly cows much. I growl like an overheated chainsaw and lean into my lead with all I have got. "That moo is going to cop it some day."

Was that a cow?

One day mum and I visited the tall guy at his house. He was wearing several black leads and had grown two extra legs. It is unbelievable how slow he was hobbling along. I looked at him sadly. "Is this the end of the walkies?"

Are you alright mate?

Anyway, I am taking mum and dad on a holiday. I am showing them how exciting it is to live in a house on wheels and travel the highways, while hanging my head out of the window. When I get back, I would like to take Mr Limpy back to those claypans. Hopefully he isn't missing me too much.

See you soon my four-legged friend


The above story is told by guest-blogger Lexi.  I have taken to walking Lexi a couple of times a week and, as you can tell, been having the best time.

I must admit, I do like a scratch too!

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