The parkrun nomad: Geograph bay

The parkrun banner flapping in the ocean breeze
‘People in the country are so friendly’! How often have you heard that? This was my first experience of participating in a country parkrun and was the smallest I ever had the pleasure to sweat with.

Busselton jetty in beautiful Geographe Bay
From the moment I arrived to the moment I left, people chatted with me about all sorts. I was told straight up how easy the 5km course was. Just a ‘there and backer’ traversing along the beautiful Geographe Bay in Busselton on a flat, bitumised, shared track. I was told by the locals how beautiful it would be running along the ocean and I did manage to have a quick squizz at the gorgeous beach. Sight-seeing is very difficult to do when you’re pumping out 5ks flat-tack.
 I believe she made it to the end

The striking Norfolk pines that I saw at the start of the track were also planted in many other locations throughout Western Australia, a long time ago to replace broken masts of ships frequenting the waters of that time.
A closer look at a Norfolk pine
One young man, who was obviously heavily involved in the organising of the parkrun, offered us free showers and internet access at his place whenever we wanted. His property was close to Canebrake Pool ,which is part of the Rapids Conservation Park where we were volunteering as campground hosts at the time.
This young man is looking to scan his barcode too
While chatting to a lady behind the scanning desk, I was told that one of the volunteer jobs of parkrun least likely filled was that of the photographer. I was glad to be able to take some photos for this friendly bunch.
The run director on the job
At the end of the race we stood around chatting to Ian – he told us that he suffered from a brain hemoarage a few years ago. The road back to running was a long and hard one and almost impossible for this 73 year old. He told the story about the nurses during his physiotherapy, kicking his legs forward to assist him to walk again. During the run when I was on my way back I yelled out at him ‘pretend the nurses are kicking you again’. He grimaced and kept going – what an inspiration!

Ian churning out another parkrun
A good coffee after a solid workout is very necessary and we met some of the parkrunners in the luxurious café along the foreshore overlooking the Jetty. 

The view from table 92 at the restaurant

Thanks to all the runners and volunteers of Geographe Bay parkrun for making us both feel welcome.

 Grey Bits
This great parkrun was number 63 for Geographe Bay - 76 runners attended and James ran his 50th.
The website with its usual information about where and how to get there is as followed.
The current trail starting from the sea rescue building will be moved back to closer to the Busselton jetty once construction of the new car park and skate park is completed.


Nearly there





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