Secret Santa

Hello to all the readers or shall I say wonderful aunties, sons, brother, sisters, parents-in-law and all those beautiful friends.

The semi-grey Santa sat down in his camping chair in front of his caravan sled and thought to himself "what to give the good readers as Xmas gift from Shark Bay? First Santa thought he would send you all a cheque of a thousand dollars. This is to thank you for your unwavering support and believe in the semi-grey Santa. But the elf told Santa that there was a voluntary recession in Santa's fortunes and that it would be better to save a bit of bullion.

Perhaps a souvenir could work as a gift for Xmas thought the semi-grey. A fridge magnet with some sharks saying "G'day from Shark Bay" or a cuddly soft dolphin toy. The semi-wise Santa shook his head and thought it all appeared a little cheap, even tacky and not befitting the commitment you wonderful people made to click on the link and take the time to read about the silly frayed nomad.

A bottle of wine I hear you say? What good would that be if Santa wasn't there to share it with you.

Rather than money, a present or some booze, semi-Santa would like to give you a secret.... a very well kept secret from the Shark Bay area.... a secret not accessible to any old wonderer. This secret can only be seen by photographs taken from the area. Semi Santa just happened to be in the area and has taken these photos just for the semi-grey nomad reader.

So... from the semi-grey Santa and his beloved gorgeous elf we wish you a Merry semi-grey Christmas and happy viewing. Cheers!

Kilometres of stromatolites and hyper-saline water
Sea water left in holes when the sea retreats.
Some are blue

Some white

Some surrounded by crusted salt.

Some multi-coloured

Not a footstep on this shell beach.

Sometimes words are not necessary.

Grey bits

Thank you to Ranger Ross for taking us to this special place.

What did you say? You would rather have a thousand bucks?

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