This is to the secret hidden nomad within you.

This is to the secret hidden nomad within you.

Are you ever so sick of your life you just want to scream??? Is your boss riding you so hard you have carpet burns on your knees??? Are you so bored with your surrounds you feel like you are being choked by Arnold Swarzennegger??? You have hung in there for years and still no promotion. To speak with that old rocker: You just cant get no... satisfaction? 

Remember those times when you were driving back from that holiday year in year out saying “wouldn't it be nice if I could just stay a few more days”?? Well! Why drive back?
Why not drive on into the sunset?

We are!!!!
Yes! We have sold our house. Yes! We have oh so  gently stuck that rude finger up to that boss. We have said a tearful goodbye to the kids and would have to the grand kids if I had any.  We have given farewell speeches at sports clubs and bingo halls.  Yeah!! We did buy a kick arse car and caravan and are going around Australia.

This is a stumbling and bumbling account of two semi-grey nomads who have had enough already. This is all free content and raw reporting. Ride all the highs and lows, the triumphs and disasters, accidents and achievements with us. We will show you how we went about breaking free.
This is the story of Marcel and Julie on a zigzag through Australia.

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